return { title = "Diamond Sweater" google_product_category = "5322" chinese = "JX302树叶镂空" shipping_chinese = "毛衣" shipping_customs_code = "6110191000" unit_price = 155 sizes = { "M", "L" } size_type = "sweater" category = "sweaters" sex = "women" colors = { river_green_2 = { model = "model26" added = "2020-12-28" } } discontinued = true rmb_cost = 20500 details = { [[Made with 100% Merino wool.]] [[Relaxed comfortable fit.]] [[Warm and light knit sweater, perfect for cozy nights.]] [[Cute diamond shaped embroidery that adds the perfect touch to any outfit.]] [[30-day money-back 100% satisfaction guarantee.]] } search = { [[relaxed]] [[baggy]] } size_chart = { name = "tops_alpha" rows = {} } composition = "100% Merino wool" factory_weight = 500 factory = "hualunzhisheng" factory_code = "JX302" }