return { title = "Tie Shoulder Skirt" google_product_category = "1581" chinese = "8762吊带开叉包臀A字裙" shipping_chinese = "裙子" shipping_customs_code = "6104630090" unit_price = 15 sizes = { "XS", "S", "M", "L" } size_type = "skirt" category = "skirts" subcategory = "Skirts" sex = "women" colors = { black_6 = { discontinued = true model = "model59" added = "2021-03-09" } bwplaid = { model = "model59" added = "2021-03-09" pattern = { image = "bwplaid.png" title = "Black and White" chinese = "黑白色_" category = "patterns" } } } discontinued = true rmb_cost = 1900 details = { [[High-end blend of 5% Spandex, 95% Polyester.]] [[Adjustable shoulder ties to keep skirt secure.]] [[Flattering, high-waisted look.]] [[Bodycon, form-fitting.]] [[30-day money-back 100% satisfaction guarantee.]] } search = {} size_chart = { name = "skirt" rows = { XS = { ["Length"] = [[15.5" (40cm)]] } S = { ["Length"] = [[16.1" (41cm)]] } M = { ["Length"] = [[16.5" (42cm)]] } L = { ["Length"] = [[17.1" (43.5cm)]] } } } composition = "5% Spandex, 95% Polyester" factory_weight = 125 factory = "ywlhuan" factory_code = "8762" }