return { title = "Fingerless Workout Gloves" google_product_category = "5322" chinese = "J42半指健身运动吸汗防滑手套" shipping_chinese = "运动手套" shipping_customs_code = "9506919000" unit_price = 25 sizes = { "S", "M", "L", "XL" } size_type = "freefit" category = "workout_equipment" subcategory = "Workout Gloves" sex = "both" colors = { pink_grey = { is_test = true added = "2022-03-09" images = 3 pattern = { image = "pink_grey.png" title = "Pink and Grey" chinese = "粉色" color_category = "pink" pattern_category = "multicolor" } } grey_black = { is_test = true added = "2022-03-09" images = 3 pattern = { image = "grey_black.png" title = "Grey and Black" chinese = "黑色" color_category = "black" pattern_category = "multicolor" } } gradient_grey = { is_test = true added = "2022-03-09" images = 3 pattern = { image = "gradient_grey.png" title = "Gradient Grey" chinese = "灰色" color_category = "grey" pattern_category = "multicolor" } } } discontinued = true rmb_cost = 3300 details = { [[Textured, durable fabric designed for training and lifting.]] [[Made of durable, high-end fabric with 92.5% Nylon 7.5% Spandex.]] [[Silica gel palm padding provides extra protection and grip.]] [[Fingerless design and ventilation holes built for breathability, preventing sweaty and smelly hands.]] [[Adjustable wrist strap for the perfect fit.]] [[30-day money-back 100% satisfaction guarantee.]] } search = {} size_chart = { name = "accessories_glove" rows = {} } composition = "80% Polyester, 20% Latex" factory_weight = 100 factory = "ywskda" factory_code = "J42" related_products = { "resistband_glutelight" "resistband_glutemedium" "resistband_gluteheavy" "socks_contrast" "socks_gridcrew" } }